Sunday, November 29, 2009

18th Birthday...

Hello!!!Yesterday was my Birthday and it was my 18th and now I have the right to do it!!!Haha don't confuse...I had a great dinner with my family and relatives...Actually last night we were also celebrating my Mama's Birthday...Hmm...So it ws kind of fun haha...I even gave Mama a kiss^^I wanted to give my Papa also because he bought me a camera as birthday present but he said ''later people will think that I'm gay'' haha...I received some present from friends as well...Such as bag, something like key chain, cake and the...Hmm...about that haha...Oh ya and a large poker card from my Bro haha...Besides that I even received Ang Pow from my uncles and aunt...It was the right timing because i was MC Hammer Broke already haha...I'm going to snap pictures of those presents later...But kind of sleepy and tired because I had been busy for the whole day...So will do it some time later when I'm free...Check out in my Facebook^^

Besides with family, I went out with friends as well...I'm glad that they could spend time with me haha...But I was kind of tired fetching them haha...Fetching from A to Z then from Z to A again haha tiring...Well screw it...By the way my ex-classmate Xin Ting was so nice...No no more than nice...She rushed back to here from Butterworth just to buy me a cake and after that she needed to rush back to Penang again...And she even said sorry to me because the cake not nice...Well it's ok don't worry^^As long as you have the heart to do it^^Thanks a lot I really appreciate it...Hmm...What else...Oh ya we chit chat at the steamboat house and eating...Long time never had this kind of feeling...It felt great to sit down and have a talk with old friends...And I even just could see once in a year...But there was something I was pissed about...The steamboat was fucking expensive...It's like buffet style so it's counted per head...3 of my friends weren't eating but they had been counted together as well...Fuck the shop I won't go there anymore seriously...Unless it is free...

Hmm...Oh ya the bag my friend presented me is so nice haha...It suits me haha...So nice of her...I know her not more than 6 months but she already wasted money to buy present for me...How nice of her...But most my old friends didn't buy for me sob sob haha...Forget about it haha...

Yesterday was really a long day...Non-stop driving...Fetching...Eating...damn exhausted and tired...After this blog I'm going to have a nice and lazy sleep...But my bed is a mess now...Gosh...Need to clear everything before sleep...So i guess It's all about my Birthday's day^^Thanks very much everyone really...I really appreciate everything happened yesterday except I scratched people's car during reversing haha it was too dark to see a thing and the sensor couldn't sense the stupid car...Hope my dad won't scold me for that haha^^Hmm...Well it is kind of short for this post sorry for that haha...Hope everyone can enjoy it and feel what I felt...Oh ya I know you want to know my wish right??Haha very simple...''Be happy, Stay healthy and do well in study''...That's it...^^

So thanks for tuning in The Icon~~BabyK's Fairy Tales...I'll see you all next time...I'm BabyK'...Goodbye and goodnight...